The polyurethane recycling company

Who we are

Mobius Technologies is a highly specialized clean-tech company. Our mission is the development of innovative, ecological and economical solutions promoting the concept of circular enconomy in the polyurethane industry.

What we do

For more than 10 years Mobius Technologies is recycling each year 10’000 metric tons of polyurethane waste with proprietary technologies. With our Micronized Polyurethane products (MPU) we are supplying various industries with a valuable resource.

Our Vision

At Mobius we are convinced: The time to develop new approaches and to use resources multiple times before they reach the end of their life-cycle, is now. Together with our partners we aim to change existing processes to more environmental friendly solutions!

Join us in achieving ambitious goals in your industry

MPU is a chemical product with unique properties. Upon today Mobius has developed and commercialized successfully products in multiple industries. There is more to achieve! Get in touch with us to share your ideas and to take them one step further!
